Monday 20 October 2014

Hand Held A1302 Hall Effect Sensor (Gaussmeter)

This is a partial write up, I will expand on this soon. I wanted to put a schematic and code up for anyone who was interested in following up the YouTube video I posted about this!
Enjoy! PLEASE NOTE: I often add captions to correct myself or elaborate in these videos, but the text is usually only visible if you watch it on the YouTube website.

A lot of this project was inspired by this page: Cool Magnet Man This is an incredibly valuable resource if you are interested in projects involving magnets and magnetism - I strongly encourage you to read through his website, I've spent a fair amount of time enjoyably reviewing his posts.

I will apologize in advance, the code isn't amazing, the design is a little short changed - but this thing went together really quickly from concept to reality. I will likely have a software revision in the near future, if you find any bugs please let me know so I can improve the next version. This is designed to run from a 9V battery.

(Some of the LCD positioning is funny because I was using an odd ball LCD for the breadboard)

#define sensorPin 0
#define calibrationPin 1

//#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

float sensorRead;
float calibrationRead;
float sensorPinVoltage;
float calibrationPinVoltage;
float gauss;

void setup() {
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  delay (2000);

void loop() {

    sensorRead = analogRead(sensorPin);
    calibrationRead = analogRead(calibrationPin);
    if (sensorRead >= 1020 || sensorRead <= 3){
      lcd.print ("INTENSIT"),
      lcd.print("Y ERROR!");

      sensorPinVoltage = ((5 * sensorRead) / 1023);
      calibrationPinVoltage = ((5 * calibrationRead) / 1023);
      gauss = ((1000 * (calibrationPinVoltage - sensorPinVoltage)) / 1.3);
      lcd.print (gauss, DEC),

Sorry about being so blunt with this. I will elaborate more in the future.
Cheers, have fun!